Phronema Volume 21, 2006

Phronema Volume 21, 2006

Editor, Assoc. Prof. James A. Athanasou

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Theology as the Language of the Eighth Day, Archbishop Stylianos (Harkianakis) 1

Salvius Travels to Heaven: Spotlight on the Ecclesiology of Gregory of Tours, Avril Keely

The Role of Women in the Orthodox Church: A Historical Overview of Consultations and Conclusions Reached in the Twentieth Century, Philp Kariatlis 29
Fifth Century Christology between Soteriological Perspective and Metaphysical Concerns: Notes on the Nestorian Controversy, Doru Costache 47
Koinonikon: The Hymnological Context of Holy Communion, Gerasimos Koutsouras 61
Correspondence regarding the First Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the Venerable Ecumenical Throne on the Occasion of the Thronal Feast  83
Book Reviews 87
The College 103
Research and Professional Activities  111
Cumulative Contents 142
 List of Reviewers  148
Information for Authors 149