Phronema Volume 4, 1989

Phronema Volume 4, 1989

Editor, Dr Guy Freeland

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Editorial 2

The Icon in Orthodox Spirituality, Archbishop Stylianos (Harkianakis)

The Theology of the Icon: A Contemporary Anthology, John Chryssavgis 15
A Theological Commentary on the Stavronikita Wall Painting of Theophanes the Cretan, Archimandrite Vasileios of Stavronikita 23
Byzantine Iconographic Programs in Cappadocia: The Church of St Barbarra in Soganli Dere, Sarah Grishin 45
The Early Icons of Rome, John Barclay Lloyd 53
Time, Architecture and the Byzantine Iconographic Program, Guy Freeland 75
Notes and Comments  86
Book Reviews 93
Brief Notices 95
The College 97
Our Contributors 101