Your Birth, O Christ our God has shone upon
the World the Light of Wisdom?...


Dear friends of St Andrew’s Theological College,

The whole world, indeed, all of us, strive for meaning and wisdom, especially in the face of so much futile conflict and combat that we are witnessing today; we all grapple for meaningfulness, to see things clearly and simply, in a world riddled with so many fretful anxieties and concerns.

In response, many, today, turn to the knowledge of this world, to universities and to governments; many especially believe that answers lie within the realm of economics, in the strong and sustainable growth of respective nations. And yet, deep down, and beyond these worldly realties, we know that there is still something lacking; an emptiness that makes us turn to an ever-deepening yearning that will go to the ‘very heart’ of our humanity.

In so doing, we discover that at the ‘very heart’ is no other than the birth of Christ, and the path of love and unity, of peace and inner joy which opens up before us—namely, that illuminating “light that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it” (cf. Jn 1:4); a divine Presence that comes upon earth to guide us into eternal Paradise, into that bliss and everlasting happiness without end!

On behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, our College Dean and all the Faculty we wish you all a very uplifting and blessed Christmas; may the new year be filled with His abiding love, radiant light, mercy and truth.

From the Dean and Faculty of St Andrew’s Theological College